Crisis Management

Our Crisis Management business lines include Political Violence & Terrorism, Aviation War and Political Risk and Credit.

Business lines

Political Violence & Terrorism

The Crisis Management team offer a full suite of Political Violence coverages with the ambition to build out further crisis management products in the future.

We have a lead market offering with a geographically diverse appetite to service our clients. The team are customer focused with service levels paramount to our business model.

Product offering:

A comprehensive multi-peril product suite allows customers to buy modular coverage to suit their needs in a volatile global security environment.

  • Terrorism & Sabotage
  • Strikes, Riot, Civil Commotion and Malicious Damage
  • Insurrection, Rebellion, Revolution and Coup d ’Etat
  • War / Civil War
  • Nuclear, Chemical, Biological and Radiological
  • Terrorism Cyber
  • Event Cancellation
  • Active Assailant
  • Threat
  • Loss of Attraction
  • Terrorism Liability

Aviation War

We protect the aviation industry against acts of war and other perils.

Appetite: Airline, General Aviation, Manufacturers and Banks/Lessors.

Cover includes: Physical loss or damage from War, Terrorism, Malicious damage including spares and confiscation.

We provide worldwide cover for our clients delivering first-class service to our brokers providing market leadership at a time of geopolitical uncertainty.

Political Risk and Credit

The Political Risk and Credit team offers the full suite of Contract Frustration, Non-Payment and Non-Performance perils, for both public and private counterparties, as well as Political Risk perils for both physical assets and equity investments. Where clients require cover for physical damage due to Political Violence perils, we offer this when written in conjunction with Political Risk programmes.

Our clients are a mixture of banks and financial institutions, corporates, traders, exporters, export credit agencies (ECA’s), development finance institutions (DFI’s) and multilateral institutions.

Exposures are focussed towards commodities and the energy sector, including renewables, as well as construction, infrastructure, metals and mining, telecommunications, financial institutions and corporates.

Covered perils for Contract Frustration and Trade Credit include:

  • non-payment
  • non-performance/delivery
  • non-honouring of guarantees, either corporate or sovereign
  • pre and post shipment risk
  • wrongful calling of bonds
  • currency inconvertibility

Covered perils for Political Risk include:

  • CEND (confiscation, expropriation, nationalisation and deprivation)
  • Selective Discrimination
  • Forced Abandonment
  • Forced Divestiture
  • License Cancellation
  • PV (when written in conjunction with a PRI programme)

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