Aggregate modelling

This area of the business has responsibility for monitoring accumulations for catastrophe exposed classes of reinsurance and assisting the underwriters in pricing catastrophe exposed risks.

Portfolio management is a key activity for Ark and the team works to keep on top of how exposed we are to perils such as hurricanes and earthquakes. The team also has the important responsibility of dealing with management and regulatory reporting.

The team use sophisticated models to build a view of the probability of catastrophe losses to the company, developing reports for managing exposures and provide a centre of expertise within the company for use of stochastic catastrophe management software.

As a graduate you will have the opportunity to get hands on with the software and you will be involved in building portfolios. There will also be an opportunity to build knowledge of trouble shooting software and preparing reports for assessing our own risk protection needs.

Time spent with the team will provide a greater understanding of catastrophe management processes as well as building technical skills e.g., SQL.

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