
Our Property business lines include Property Direct & Facultative, Property Programmes and Global Property.

Business lines

Property Direct & Facultative

Ark’s Property Direct and Facultative team writes business from the USA and all other territories worldwide.

We consider business on a primary, layered or quota share basis and offer single peril coverage. The account specialises in catastrophe peril-driven risk and is focused on lower hazard fire classes.

Property Programmes

Our specialised Property Programmes Team underwrites a portfolio of delegated authority business to approved coverholders throughout the USA, Canada and a number of other countries.

Preferred lines include niche products such as high value homeowners and manufactured homes, bank-related products such as mortgage impairment, forced placed property and flood  and the more standard coverages for small commercial properties, homeowners, vacant properties and specialist auto business. They also consider standalone catastrophe perils. Long standing relationships remain at the core of the team’s ethic, both on a lead and supporting basis.

Whilst in-depth monitoring of peak and attritional exposures is key, our multimetric approach to analysing catastrophe exposures provides a unique view that is less reliant on catastrophe models. This enables our team to work with coverholders to tailor solutions to match their unique requirements and create a balanced portfolio within the syndicate.

Global Property

Whilst the core appetite of Ark’s Global Property 4020 book is excess of loss, the team also writes primary business where appropriate. Cover is available across all global territories including the USA.

Our Global Property Team writes all occupancy classes, including large commercial and heavy industrial. We can write on an all-risk or named-peril-only basis, including standalone catastrophe risk.

Looking for an underwriter or other key team member?