
Ark is regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and is supervised by the Corporation of Lloyd’s. In addition, the nature of our business means that the Company must meet the various rules and requirements of many countries around the world from where business is sourced. It is therefore vital that these numerous requirements are understood and met to ensure that business objectives are not impaired.

The Compliance function works closely with all areas of the business, ensuring that new and existing rules and regulations are considered when carrying on day to day activities, as well as assisting in developing new strategies and initiatives.

You will spend time working with the Compliance team to consider the practical application of rules in areas such as international sanctions, Lloyd’s minimum standards and changes to licensing structures. You will receive an understanding of the regulatory environment that will serve you well in financial services, a heavily regulated industry. This knowledge will be vital for building a successful career at Ark, especially with the changing environment caused by Solvency II and the forthcoming split of the FSA into a dual structure after the recent financial crisis.

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